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267 in-person ui ux courses taught in 2017 3,344 ux course updates in 2016
9536 certified usability professionals
Shalaka Sathaye, Senior Specialist - UX, SunGard, Pune, India

“After becoming an HFI-certified CUA, I have seen my approach towards design change a lot. I am able to take usability to the next level in my career only because of the education and guidance provided during the training. Each and every day of my work life makes me realize the ‘value’ added to my professional abilities and I am sure that the new courses will continue to enrich us in the world of usability. I thank HFI for opening the new horizon; I really keep asking myself why I didn’t think of it earlier than I did.”

Shalaka Sathaye

Senior Specialist - UX

SunGard, Pune, India

Crilly Butler Jr., Senior Information Systems Analyst and Intranet Webmaster, Department of Fish and Game, California

“Before I earned my CUA, I was already top ranked here. There was no higher level for me to be promoted to, and no way for me to earn any more money. The main impact, for me, has to do with the performance of my job. Two specific things come to mind. First, I have an improved ability to structure and articulate the concepts I learned in my training to my team. Knowing something – intuitively or through experience—doesn’t necessarily enable one to communicate that knowledge effectively. Now, I can say in 10 words what I used to say in 100.

“Second, the certification has improved my credibility with the organization and on my own team. Having the CUA after my name shows that I am dedicated to my practice and have put effort into becoming skilled.

“In addition, the training itself has plugged me into a community of usability experts. I speak with experts on the forums, and receive emails from HFI with relevant news. There are even people from my HFI courses who I am now friends with, whom I would not have met otherwise. I receive updates, editorials, and other publications which keep me up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.

Overall, the training made the knowledge clear, simple, and immediately practical”

Crilly Butler Jr.

Senior Information Systems Analyst and Intranet Webmaster

Department of Fish and Game, California

4 CUA Courses in 10 days, then exam

CUA class in front of the Bicentennial Tower on the waterfront of Lake Erie, Pennsylvania

This is the best program you can take to get a solid professional capability in the UX field. It teaches how to make software easy. In ten days total, we cover the foundations (mostly cognitive psychology), through modeling users, designing interfaces, and usability testing. If you are getting into the field; this is a great place to start. But even people with Doctorates in HCI learn from this program. Because we cover very specifically, the pragmatic stuff you need to know now. It is a highly efficient package, with roots back to 1982, and it gets quarterly updates.

The Certified Usability Analyst™ exam dates back to 2001. It is not a test showing completion of the CUA training. And you can take the exam without taking any HFI courses. The CUA classes and the CUA Exam come from the same model of what you need now to design usable stuff.

UCA Class in Costa Rica

This is really the core course for user centricity. Many people say it is the very best of all our courses. User centricity means understanding users. NOT, just using the types of survey results marketing folks use. But having solid data on taskflows and mental models. And, it is most critical to know how you take those results and feed them into actionable designs. There is a magic to the solid and systematic translation of user insights and models into your design.

This course has evolved from “How to develop effective CRT screens’ prepared for IBM in 1982. That mainframe course has been evolved and refined for all this time (all our courses get quarterly updates). But we THINK there are still a couple of slides dating back to 1982. This is our core design skills course.

Learn the models for properly dealing with navigation, interaction, content, and presentation. We think this is the world's canonical course for design skills and will apply to web site, application, heavy duty workstations, embedded applications, and interfaces for space stations. The skills you get in this course will last your whole life, no mater how the technologies change.

Usability testing is a key part of UX design. It is the way we refine and validate our work. But it is not the core of a UX practice. Please take the UX Foundations, User Centered Analysis, and Web & App Design classes, because you really must design based on the right process and leveraging research-based principles. Folks who think that UX design is just usability testing do not succeed and make us very sad.

That said, this class will give you a great foundation for selecting and running usability tests. Usability testing is a powerful way of convincing executives as to the value of our work. And every good practitioner knows how to run testing with representative users to refine and finalize their designs.

Eric Schaffer teaching Foundations in Chicago

We completely rewrote this course in 2014 (and like all our courses it gets quarterly updates). We asked all our top consultants the research findings and research-based models that they use every day. This course puts all those insights into one place. For one thing UX designers need to understand how people see, remember, decide, and move. And you do not do ANY of those the way you think you do. If you don’t know how people REALLY operate you can’t do good UX engineering. Then we piled in a load of tools like Fitts’ Law, Signal Detection Theory, Visual Link Analysis… etc.

This is the FIRST class you should take on the road to professional UX. These types of understandings separate the professional from the amateur. This class provides the foundation for everything else you can learn from HFI training courses

The 'Certified Usability Analyst™' exam dates back to 2001. There was just no practical way for a lot of people to prove that they really know the field. But we foresaw that the industry would need that. We developed the exam based on our understanding of what people need to know to do usability work. We developed a load of test items, then we eliminated the ones that psychology undergrads could answer (because those were common sense). And we eliminated those that three of our senior folks could not answer (because those had to be odd or hard). We have continued to refine this test since. It is NOT a test showing completion of the 'CUA' training. And you can take the exam without taking ANY HFI COURSES. Many take the exam without courses and pass. But the CUA classes and the CUA Exam come from the same model of what you need to know in order to design usable stuff. With well over 5,000 certified professionals it is the most widely held certification in the field.

4 CXA Courses in 10 Days, then exam

Class in Singapore

When the field changed from 'Usability' to 'User Experience' and we asked ourselves what was different. And we wrote that "Usability is no longer enough". The field has evolved to include omni channel strategy, innovation, persuasion engineering, and mature UX operations. The field has gone to anther level, and so if you want to keep up, take this program. It goes beyond the CUA™ ease-of-use. It moves you up the value chain. Instead of being stuck in wireframes you will be equipped to join discussions of cross channel optimization, innovation, and customer motivation. Those are topics that sit in the board room. And it will equip you to support serious, industrial strength UX practices.

The 'Certified User Experience Analyst™' exam dates back to 2011. It is NOT a test showing completion of the 'CXA' training. And you can take the exam without taking ANY HFI COURSES. But the CXA classes and the CXA™ Exam come from the same model of what you need NOW to participate in the high level UX tasks.

It is fine to take CXA courses before you take CUA courses. And for marketing staff taking the two classes on persuasion, emotion, and trust (PET) may be all you need. However, we do require that you pass your CUA™ before taking the CXA™ exam.

PET in China

In 2009 we wrote "Usability is No Longer Enough" (Google it!). It is just no longer enough to make software easy to use. It needs to be compelling. It needs to convert customers. In needs to engage. This is the first of two classes that cover this topic. PET stands for 'Persuasion, Emotion, and Trust'. And you will get a load of insights into the dark arts of our field . Based on solid research we can influence customers and staff. Learn the UX 'spells' that create positive emotions, engagement, and conversion.

New York City

So in the 'PET' course you learned a load of techniques to influence engagement and conversion. But there is research that shows that MORE techniques does not make it better. How do you pick the exact correct method for a given user? This course will show you how to take in depth knowledge of a user’s drives, blocks, beliefs, and feelings and translate those to and actionable plan. The PET Architecture gives you the model to translate your knowledge of the customer into a focused approach to persuasion.

This is the most advanced course we provide. It will probably be the most advanced course we will EVER provide. This course will push your abstract and big picture thinking skills to the max (for which we apologize). But the ability to work at this level will elevate you and the UX team to the board level. HFI has made design changes worth millions. But we have done an innovation project worth well over a BILLION. Getting multiple channels to align and make sense to customers is touch; and a current executive concern of most organizations today. Serious innovation (as opposed to a corporate suggestion box) can yield whole new lines of business. And we think those challenges can ONLY be met when they are lead from a human centric perspective. This course will give you that foundation, language, and models to take UX to another level.

Do you work in a UX organization that is like a street gang, or like a military or police force? Hands down, the cops will win every time. If you want to be part of a sustainable, industrial strength UX team; then you will need to operate supporting a mature practice. Learn the approaches, tools, and techniques you will need if you are to help move your organization forward. Sure, we look busy when we dash about putting out fires. But we are powerful (and can live a same life) when fires are prevented. We believe that this is the next frontier of UX. Executives are asking for customer centered design. And this class will give you the skills and models to make customer centricity a reality in your organization’s culture.

The 'Certified User Experience Analyst™' exam is the more advanced certification for people that go beyond simple usability. It dates back to 2011. Do you understand the bigger perspective? Can you deal with cross channel strategies and ecosystem solutions? Can you do industrial strength innovation (NOT where an innovation group acts like a corporate suggestion box, but serious ideation based on solid ecosystem models and defined opportunity points)? Can you apply the tools of person engineering in an online environment? And do you understand what it takes to work in a mature UX operation? These are the skills needed by the next generation of UX engineers.

It is NOT a test showing completion of the 'CXA' training. And you can take the exam without taking ANY HFI COURSES. But the CXA classes and the CXA™ Exam come from the same model of what you need NOW to participate in the high level UX tasks.

It is fine to take CXA courses before you take CUA courses. And for marketing staff taking the two classes on persuasion, emotion, and trust (PET) may be all you need. However, we do require that you pass your CUA™ before taking the CXA™ exam.

Desktop toy crane controller-design 2

If you are designing physical products there are a load of very specialized methods and models that you just don’t run into with software design. This course gives you models, principles, and skills in ‘knobs and dials psychology’. It covers how to layout a control panel; and how to configure controls and displays. It covers how to design for anthropometric data and accommodate issues of biomechanics and kinesiology. And it even gives you a glimpse into the future challenges as we move towards transhuman applications in the future.

4 CUA Courses in 10 days, then exam

“The training was great, very effective. Now, having been tested and certified by HFI, I have more confidence in addressing usability challenges.”

Chow Sok Mui Murie

Senior Creative Consultant

NCS, Singapore

“User analysis is not my primary focus but this information will definitely help me become a better business analyst. Great course, I learned a lot.”

Joseph Scruggs

Business Analyst

JPMorgan Chase

“I have a better understanding of how to design navigation and interaction points, resulting in increased confidence — now I will be a more effective leader in my organization. I really liked that the information presented in the course was backed by actual examples.”

Christine J. Tahvonen


“Very helpful—the course solidified the experience I’ve had in UT and taught me a lot more to give me a broader context and additional techniques.”

Leah Gillespie

Baltimore Gas & Electric

“I have to admit this course is my favorite. This is what separates the amateur punters from real UX professionals: do they understand the psychophysics! Just like an civil engineer needs to understand the physics of tensile strength. UX engineers need to understand the psychophysics of their users. Then this cognitive psychology work is connected with design methods (like visual link analysis) to support anything you will do in the field, in any technology, for your whole career.”

Dr. Eric Schaffer

CEO, Human Factors International

“When I interviewed for my current job, the hiring manager knew about the CUA certification. Although I didn’t have that much experience in usability analysis, they were confident that I would fit into their team. They thought that the certification showed my dedication to UX as a career, and that I didn’t end up here by accident. I feel like I had an advantage over the other Associate Experience Architects, especially first starting out.”

Charlie Ellman

Associate Experience Architect

MISI Company, Manhattan, NY

4 CXA Courses in 10 Days, then exam

“Very helpful—the course solidified the experience I’ve had in UT and taught me a lot more to give me a broader context and additional techniques.”

Leah Gillespie

Baltimore Gas & Electric

“This is incredibly important work that, if done correctly, with proper diligence and ethics, can open up entirely new ways of thinking about business and web strategy. This course properly refines what User Experience means. Organizations that do not adopt at least some of these principles will be left behind in very short order.”

Richard Warnaka

Erie Insurance

“Now have language/tools to incorporate into existing processes and projects; language will also help educate internal stakeholders on the value of PET. ”

Leah Gillespie

Baltimore Gas & Electric

“From a developer perspective, it’s hard to not shoot down ideas due to limitations in our infrastructure. Going forward I will try to figure out how to build proof of concept.”

Daniel Yearwood

Verizon Wireless

“Course has provided a great overview of how to institutionalize UX and tools to actually get started on communication and implementation. All great materials but most excited about the UX I-19 Strategy Workbook.”

Leah Gillespie

Baltimore Gas & Electric

“I went to a taxonomy conference recently and much of the discussion was around 'are we a profession?', 'what are the qualifications needed?', 'what should we call ourselves,' and 'do we need a certification program?' HFI is way ahead of the game and has done so much to provide standards for the usability field through their courses and programs. I really appreciate the work they're doing and feel that I'm able to do a better job for my company as a result of HFI's courses and certification program.”

Linda Moir

Manager, Web Communications

Alberta Blue Cross

“The exercises were creative and interactive.”

Annika Jones

Georgia Department of Community Health

“After over 30 years of designing mostly software, I think a bunch of may favorite projects involve designing physical things. Working on medical devices, sewing machines, hair dryers, phones, factory control rooms, and washer/dryers really stand out. I hope you will take this course so you can enjoy these kinds of UX challenges, which often mean the life or death of the users.”

Dr. Eric Schaffer



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Please make sure you are registering for courses in one region only.

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Reviewed: 18 Mar 2014

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Terms and Conditions for Public Training Courses

Reviewed: 18 Mar 2014

Cancellation of Course by HFI

HFI reserves the right to cancel any course up to 14 (fourteen) days prior to the first day of the course. Registrants will be promptly notified and will receive a full refund or be transferred to the equivalent class of their choice within a 12-month period. HFI is not responsible for travel expenses or any costs that may be incurred as a result of cancellations.

Cancellation of Course by Participants (All regions except India)

$100 processing fee if cancelling within two weeks of course start date.

Cancellation / Transfer by Participants (India)

4 Pack + Exam registration: Rs. 10,000 per participant processing fee (to be paid by the participant) if cancelling or transferring the course (4 Pack-CUA/CXA) registration before three weeks from the course start date. No refund or carry forward of the course fees if cancelling or transferring the course registration within three weeks before the course start date.

Cancellation / Transfer by Participants (Online Courses)

$100 processing fee if cancelling within two weeks of course start date. No cancellations or refunds less than two weeks prior to the first course start date.

Individual Modules: Rs. 3,000 per participant ‘per module’ processing fee (to be paid by the participant) if cancelling or transferring the course (any Individual HFI course) registration before three weeks from the course start date. No refund or carry forward of the course fees if cancelling or transferring the course registration within three weeks before the course start date.

Exam: Rs. 3,000 per participant processing fee (to be paid by the participant) if cancelling or transferring the pre agreed CUA/CXA exam date before three weeks from the examination date. No refund or carry forward of the exam fees if requesting/cancelling or transferring the CUA/CXA exam within three weeks before the examination date.

No Recording Permitted

There will be no audio or video recording allowed in class. Students who have any disability that might affect their performance in this class are encouraged to speak with the instructor at the beginning of the class.

Course Materials Copyright

The course and training materials and all other handouts provided by HFI during the course are published, copyrighted works proprietary and owned exclusively by HFI. The course participant does not acquire title nor ownership rights in any of these materials. Further the course participant agrees not to reproduce, modify, and/or convert to electronic format (i.e., softcopy) any of the materials received from or provided by HFI. The materials provided in the class are for the sole use of the class participant. HFI does not provide the materials in electronic format to the participants in public or onsite courses.