HFI | Training

UX training solutions for corporates

Take advantage of our customized onsite solutions

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Are you looking for a training partner who can get customized UX training to your location?
Do you want to introduce UX to your entire staff?
Are you planning to conduct executive sessions for your top leaders?

Look no further!. We tailor our expertise and experience gathered over 30 years in UX into a range
of training courses, certifications, and leadership seminars to suit your requirements.

What we offer

  • Onsite training

    Get skilled in designing digital experiences that will influence consumers through scientific and practical training—at your location, at your convenience! All our courses and certifications are available to you onsite.

    How you benefit
    • Customized content
    • Shared learning experience
    • Time and cost savings
    • Enhanced training efficacy
    • Increased productivity
  • Our most-sought after certifications

    Our specialized courses in foundational and advanced UX are packaged into 3 certifications:

    • For new practitioners, we offer Certified Usability Analyst (CUATM).
      This includes 4 modules across 10 days and certification. Covers topics such as user-centered analysis, structural and detailed design, and user validation.
    • For advanced professionals, we have Certified User Experience Analyst (CXATM).
      These 4 modules taught across 10 days (plus certification) train UX practitioners in advanced topics like customer engagement, motivation, cross-cultural design, and innovation.
    • For digital marketers, social media managers, content writers, designers, we have Certified Digital Persuasion Analyst (CDPATM).
      This 5 day course includes 2 modules and certification teach you to create compelling experiences by applying principles of behavioral psychology to the design process.
  • Company-wide, capsule-sized courses

    These 2 courses speedily orient your entire org staff to the disciplines of usability and user experience.

    • Essentials of Usability for foundational understanding of the user-centered design process
    • Essentials of UX that advance you from hygiene usability to holistic UX design
  • Leadership academy

    Provide management-focused training sessions that are unique for understanding UX at a boardroom level. We offer the following to orient company leaders in the value of UX:

    • Custom briefing for management
      • Customized 90-minute executive advisory session on customer-centricity
      • Discussion on key topics such as ROI of UX design, multi-channel strategy and innovation, persuasion engineering, usability testing, etc.
      • Clear understanding on investment and time, based on global best practices
    • Executive leadership program
      • A two-part executive session delivered exclusively by our founder Dr Eric Schaffer. He has spent 20 years advising companies and countries on how to build scalable and sustainable CX design practices
    • Customized unique sessions
      • If you would like leadership sessions for your unique objectives, we are happy to deliver them for your leaders.

“Congratulations to Vodafone Shared Services, Human Factors International and Vodafone Group UX for successfully undertaking one of the world's first build operate and transfer programs for UX to establish the User Experience Centre of Design Excellence in Pune, India.”

Phillip Julian - Head of User Experience Design, Vodafone

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