HFI | White paper

Delivering a differentiated banking experience

Digital Channel
Why are you different? This is a make-or-break question for banking, insurance, and all fintech companies. If your customer is satisfied with your response to this question, only then will they recommend you to a friend. How do you build such a a warm (and rewarding) personal relationship with your customers in a digital ecosystem? How do you bring together all the many touchpoints needed to deliver something that’s easy and compelling?

Get the winning solution in this white paper. Dr. Eric Schaffer gives you practical ways in which your institution can differentiate and gain an edge in the market.

About the author

Dr. Eric Schaffer is the Founder and CEO of Human Factors International (HFI) and the Head of HFI Laboratories. His book, Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice, provides a roadmap for companies to make usability a systematic, routine practice throughout their organizations. Dr. Schaffer also co-developed The HFI Framework™, an ISO-certifiable process for user-centered design, built on principles from human-computer interaction, ergonomics, psychology, computer science, and marketing. Dr. Schaffer has completed projects for more than 100 Fortune 500 clients, providing user experience design consulting and training. He is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and a Certified Professional Ergonomist.

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