HFI | White paper

What is a Customer Experience Integrator (CXI)?

We Understand What Drive You
Customer Experience (CX) is the key business differentiator and that’s a given. It drives engagement, loyalty, and revenue. No wonder then, the entire business world is pushing to create great CX solutions. Yet the results have not been so great. Despite bringing in the best of talent and making huge investment in Customer Experience Management (CXM) initiatives, many organizations are failing.

What’s happening here? What is missing? What does it really take to make your CXM successful and robust enough to deliver business results?

In this white paper, Dr. Eric Schaffer answers these critical questions. He explains how a Customer Experience Integrator (CXI) offers the most comprehensive solution to deliver great CX. HFI-CXI is unique because the differentiated experience of the user finally gets delivered.

About the author

Dr. Eric Schaffer is the Founder and CEO of Human Factors International (HFI) and the Head of HFI Laboratories. His book, Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice, provides a roadmap for companies to make usability a systematic, routine practice throughout their organizations. Dr. Schaffer also co-developed The HFI Framework™, an ISO-certifiable process for user-centered design, built on principles from human-computer interaction, ergonomics, psychology, computer science, and marketing. Dr. Schaffer has completed projects for more than 100 Fortune 500 clients, providing user experience design consulting and training. He is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and a Certified Professional Ergonomist.

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